'temperror' as seen in Detail Viewer rows:
This is a problem reported by the host receiving a message. It indicates that there was some sort of problem resolving the SPF (or DKIM) record, in a way that the server thinks it might resolve in the near future. The problem could be in software on the receiving end, or it could be some sort of network error anywhere between the receiving end and the domain's NS.
Often you can use the advanced filters in the Detail Viewer to isolate this traffic and explore whether these reports were limited to a certain time period or a certain reporter. Based on what you find in this way, you may choose to investigate your own DNS infrastructure or follow up with an inquiry to the reporting entity (the endpoint which reported the temperror data).
Visibility via your account at dmarcian may provide clues into why a domain sees a lot of these on an ongoing basis: make sure that all SPF records have no errors or warnings as shown in the Domain Overview. Make sure that all DKIM records are at least 1024 bits and actual DKIM format.