Domain Overview
dmarcian’s Domain Overview displays a summary of the status of all your domains and sources of where your email is coming from, along with a geographical location of recent abuse. You should add any domain you own, whether you send email on it or not, as well as the necessary DMARC record in DNS, as your first steps to starting your project.
After completing the initial configuration steps of creating the necessary DNS records and pointing your DMARC records to your dmarcian account, you’ll start to see the Domain Overview populated with rich, valuable information about how the outside world sees your brand and domains in the email channel. Data will typically begin to populate within 24 hours of creating the DNS record. DMARC data will only be visible for email activity sent after the DNS record was created.
The Domain Overview provides great convenience because it presents a singular view of your DMARC-capable volume, domain policies, and several associated DNS records. As data builds, the application will highlight errors and areas of improvement.
The top section of the Domain Overview contains a seven-day summary of the status of your domains and sources along with recent abuse. Lower sections help you make sense of activity by domain. dmarcian is a data exploration tool, so you should be curious and feel free to click around without any risk of impacting mail flow. dmarcian is a read-only tool, where any changes to how mail is delivered will need to be modified at the Source or server under your control.