DMARC Record
DMARC, (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting, & Conformance) an open source standard, uses a concept called alignment to tie the result of two other open source standards, SPF (a published list of servers that are authorized to send email on behalf of a domain) and DKIM (a tamper-evident domain seal associated with a piece of email), to the content of an email. If not already deployed, putting a DMARC record into place for your domain will give you feedback that will allow you to troubleshoot your SPF and DKIM configurations if needed.
Adopting DMARC involves creating a DMARC record, publishing it, and using the information that is generated to gain insight and control over the way your domains are handling email. DMARC helps legitimize your email by doing two things:
- Gives feedback about the email itself, including information about SPF and/or DKIM alignment.
- Tells email receivers (like Gmail and Yahoo) how to handle messages that fail to align with those protocols.
dmarcian can assist your organization in every step of the way, from deploying the underlying technologies of DMARC, to making sense of the data that it generates, to gaining full insight and control to the way your email domains are being used.