Recommended Alerts
We recommend that all accounts configure Alert Central to notify them of "DMARC Invalid" and "SPF Invalid" situations. The "SPF Warnings" is usually worthwhile as well.
Note: Alert Central is not available for Personal accounts.
The call to action for "DMARC Invalid" is always something for the domain owner to address. "SPF Invalid" can be a problem that the domain owner needs to address, but the situation could also be caused by a vendor breaking their own record which your SPF refers to. In that case, you'll need to contact the vendor to push out a fix; if you cannot get them to do that, you may need to remove their entry to get your record to be valid once more.
Depending on a customer's needs and/or interests, many of the other alerts may be set up as well, but for the most part everyone should have the 3 mentioned here. Make certain that they are delivered to a mailbox which is reviewed frequently (daily), and one which does not auto-respond to the alerts.